Greetings Parents / Guardians,
We would like to remind parents that our Annual Graduation and Concert 2010 will be held on 13th November 2010 (Saturday) at Star City Convention Hall, Asia City. Since this is 8 courses, 10 persons per table Chinese (Halal) dinner and there will be NO baby chair or any additional chair allowed by the Event Management. Kindly note that all entrances are STRICTLY followed by Dinner Ticket only. For easy reference, we will provide a table grouping name list to parents before the event date. However, there shall be no prior table reservation and allocation of table number will be at site on a first come first serve basis.
Our school children had just finished their End-Of-Year Evaluation and the individual progress report will be ready for collection in the up coming Teacher and Parents Week in November 2010. We shall keep parents update of the meeting date.
Parents and their children are engaged in a very important interaction, one in which the child is learning, doing and growing, and the parent is trying to help the child to learn, behave, and grow in appropriate ways. “Backtalk” or talking back is a broad term that refers to disrespectful responses from children. Depending on the age of the child, it can range from a toddler’s defiant “NO”, to rolling the eyes, to a full-blown shouting match, even profanity. It’s obvious that profanity can’t be tolerated, but what about the more subtle backtalk remarks? How do you know if backtalk is something you have to address or just your child’s normal progression towards independence?
All children (toddlers – teenagers) seek to exert their independence – it’s what they’re supposed to do. However, to determine if it’s something that has to be corrected, apply the “simple test” question…”Would it be okay for your child to respond in the same way in front of your friends, co-workers or others”? In most cases, the answer is “no” and that tells us we have to be proactive in correcting the backtalk.
Kids talk back for a variety of reasons. They may be testing their own power to see how far they can take it. They may feel disrespected by parents who overprotect or “boss” them around or they may live in a home in which respectful communication isn’t a priority. In the majority of cases, however, talking back is the child’s way of exerting his power and saying “you’re not the boss of me”.
We’re all hard-wired with a need for positive power – the ability to have some control over our lives. When we over-protect, over-demand, order, correct and direct… we stand in the way of our children achieving independence and personal power. The only way our kids know how to respond is to fight back. It’s a basic fight or flight response – they can’t easily flee, so they fight back with backtalk, negotiating, arguing, stomping away, eye rolling, etc.
Happy reading!
Talking back: Why it happens and what to do about it
- by Karen Miles
Why preschoolers talk back
Why preschoolers talk back
When you ask your preschooler to clear his train set off the kitchen table so you can serve dinner, he retorts, "No way!" Does this premature display of attitude mean you're in for years of sassing?
Not necessarily. "When a child talks back, what he's really expressing is anger, frustration, fear, or hurt," says Jane Nelsen, author of Positive Discipline for Preschoolers. Of course, it's hard not to respond punitively to such back talk. A wiser course of action, though, is to try to get to the bottom of what's eating your preschooler and teach him to express it in a more acceptable way.
What to do about back talk
Keep your composure. Don't overreact to your child's mouthing off or get into a power struggle over his choice of words or his tone. And, of course, never respond in kind. The best way to teach your preschooler to speak respectfully is to do so yourself. Tell him, "I think you can find a much better way to say that." A knee-jerk "Don't you talk to me that way, you bad boy, " on the other hand, won't set a very good example, and will add to his frustration.
Turn a deaf ear. If your preschooler's turned nasty, don't negotiate, compromise, or even discuss his opinion with him, which will only reinforce the behavior. If, for instance, you're sharing a lively game of Twister and he spits out, "I did not fall down, you dummy!" tell him that you won't play with him unless he talks nicely. If he continues to sass, make good on your promise and end the game immediately (no more chances, and no more discussion), leave the room, and tell him, "We'll talk when you're ready to be nice."
Of course, you can't exactly abandon your child in the checkout line if he tries to sass you into buying a candy bar. When faced with public back talk, don't be intimidated into being a pushover (or a taskmaster, for that matter). Briefly and calmly let your preschooler know that being nasty — no matter where or when — doesn't cut it. Find a quiet spot and tell him that if he does it again, there will be a consequence: missing his favorite TV show, say, or skipping the post-shopping trip to the playground you'd planned. Showing your child that you respect yourself too much to be treated this way will both model respect and earn it.
Offer choices. If your preschooler has some say-so during the course of his day, he's less likely to feel the need to assert himself in offensive ways. So give him plenty of opportunity to make choices for himself. "Would you like to wear your green sweater or your red sweatshirt today?" or "Would you rather go to the park or the library this afternoon?" or "Do you want pasta or chicken nuggets for dinner?" Be sure to offer acceptable choices, and respect the ones he makes. Don't give your child a choice between ice cream and fresh fruit for dessert if you know that you're really trying to steer him toward the fruit and that ice cream isn't a choice you can live with.
Draw the line. Make sure your child understands what is — and isn't — okay to say. So if the word "yuck" is verboten at the dinner table, or if you don't appreciate his responding to an earnest explanation with a huffy "I know that!" make that clear. Tell him, "We don't talk that way. Please speak to me nicely." "It's vital to set limits during the preschool years," says Wade Horn, a clinical psychologist in Gaithersburg, Maryland. "If you don't, you're inviting defiance."
Also teach your child that he doesn't have to give voice to every thought that runs through his head. Grandma doesn't need to be told, however innocently, that her pie is runny, and the bagger at the grocery store doesn't need to hear from your preschooler that he could stand to lose a little weight.
Get behind the back talk. When your preschooler verbally lashes out, let him know that you care about his feelings, even if you don't approve of the way he's expressing them. Acknowledging his emotions — "Boy, you sound really angry about this"— often takes the wind out of a child's sails, because it removes you from the adversarial role. If you can get past his tone, you can focus on the message he's trying to convey. "Are you mad because you have to stop coloring to pick up your socks?" If he can talk about it calmly, try to come up with a compromise you both can live with. Perhaps he can finish the drawing he's working on, then put his socks in the laundry basket, for instance.
More often than not, though, you'll need to save the soul-searching sessions for later. It's best to work on the deeper issues involved in back talk well after tempers have cooled, so revisit the subject when you can hash it out in a more level-headed way. "I know you get angry when I ask you to pick up after yourself, but you didn't need to call me 'stupid.' Can you think of a better way to say what you feel?"
Focus on solutions. You may discover — in your child's calmer, more polite moments — the real reasons behind his defiant outbursts. Maybe he gets angry about cleaning up because you always ask when he's in the middle of something. If so, offer to give him a five-minute warning the next time you need him to do his chores. Perhaps he gets out of bed every night not because "It's a stupid bed!" but because he's afraid of the shadows moving across the wall. In that case, buy him a flashlight to keep on his nightstand, or install window shades to block the spooky shadows. If you keep an eye on your goal — harmony and mutual respect — you'll be better able to keep you cool when your preschooler mouths off.
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